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The Writing Gals Academy
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New Classes
Writing with ADHD by Michelle Pennington (142:15)
Indie Publishing on a Low Budget by Victorine E. Lieske (45:03)
Troping Up Your Scenes by Michelle Pennington (61:52)
Help! My Romance Isn't Selling! The Six Biggest Mistakes in Romance by Victorine E. Lieske (26:46)
Marketing Tips for Busy Authors by Victorine E. Lieske (24:30)
Questioning the Author Rules by Michelle Pennington (32:13)
Create a Multi-Author Series by Amey Zeigler (34:25)
Choosing Your Dark Moment by Michelle Pennington (17:59)
Profitable Facebook Ads for Romance Authors by Malorie Cooper (64:10)
Designing Swoon-Worthy Covers in Canva Pro by Danyelle Ferguson (71:36)
Five Simple Tips to Improve Your Writing by Victorine Lieske (29:18)
Marketing Classes
Marketing as an Indie Author: An In-Depth Look by Victorine Lieske (104:39)
Building a Super-Fan Foundation by Michelle Pennington (34:12)
Introduction to AMS Ads by Victorine Lieske (45:22)
Writing Newsletters that Sell Your Books by Alana Terry (42:17)
Finding Your YA Voice and Market by Maggie Dallen (34:59)
Managing Your Metadata by Kirsten Oliphant (49:08)
Marketing with Zero Budget by Heather B. Moore (36:41)
Power-Up Income with Read-Through by Jessie Gussman (62:25)
Social Media and Author Branding by Jessie Gussman (50:49)
The Brand Identity Prism by Rebecca Irvine (36:29)
Using Setting to Sell Your Brand by Linda Seed (32:49)
Color me Canva! Creating Your Own Marvelous Marketing Graphics by Sierra Wilson (22:09)
Craft Classes
Mastering Chapter Hooks by Michelle Pennington (19:19)
Powerful Endings that Sell Your Next Book by Michelle Pennington (22:58)
The Secret Life of Secondary Characters by Michelle Pennington (31:19)
The FOIL method: Creating contrasting characters by Amey Zeigler (28:47)
Emotional Wounds: The Salt & Pepper Method by Jess Mastorakos (40:09)
Reverse-Engineering an Outline by Cassie Beebe (57:41)
Tips & Tricks for Writing Short Reads by Ash Keller (27:36)
How to Master Deep Point of View by Amey Zeigler (31:41)
Creating a Cast of Characters Readers Love by Melissa Pearl Guyan (34:03)
Elements of a Scene by Ines Johnson (46:18)
How to Write More Compelling Characters by Cassie Beebe (74:45)
Polishing Your Diamonds by Arielle Bailey (57:28)
The End of Your Story is Only the Beginning by Jessie Cal (50:52)
Tools to Borrow from Plays, TV and Movies by Jamie Hixon (47:11)
Use Your Words: Snappy Dialogue to Define Your Character by Kirsten Oliphant (45:21)
Writing Nerodiverse Characters by Fiona West (34:35)
Writing Quickly and Effectively by Maggie Dallen (36:49)
Writing Unforgettable Characters by Bronwen Whitley (40:02)
Your New Plotting BFF by Becky Monson (24:59)
The Prepared Pantser: Plotters Welcome Too! by Michelle Pennington (30:09)
Self-Editing Like an Indie Pro by Michelle Pennington (48:15)
Romancing Your Descriptions by Kristen Iten (58:55)
Romance Classes
Adding Tension to Your Romance by Victorine Lieske (55:32)
Historical Romance for the Modern Reader by Michelle Pennington (38:38)
Hitting the Beats of Romance by Victorine Lieske (44:01)
Making That Emotional Connection in Romance by Victorine Lieske (74:00)
Romancing the Formula - Elevate Your Writing Above the Crowd by Michelle Pennington (31:18)
The Secrets of Skinship by Michelle Pennington (51:01)
Trope up the Conflict by Jo Noelle (28:44)
A Kiss in Time: Where to Begin Writing Regency or Victorian Romance by Jill E. Warner (48:39)
Your Duke Isn’t Sexy Enough (No Sex Required) by Emily E K Murdoch (34:25)
Beats of a Paranormal Romance: Vampires, Shifters and Magical Beasts by Ines Johnson (23:44)
Plot? Pants? Blueprint Your Romance by Jennifer Crosswhite (32:49)
Writing Women who Save Themselves by Jocelynn Fitch (39:10)
Writing a Swoon-Worthy Rom Com by Stephanie Bourbon (37:13)
Yeh! and Wae! -- RomCom Lessons from Kdramas by Arielle Bailey (63:55)
Writing Romance With Subtext by Victorine Lieske (42:19)
Using External Plot to Move the Romance Forward Without It Taking Over by Victorine Lieske (21:21)
Understanding the Three Steam Levels of Clean & Wholesome Romance by Michelle Pennington (24:13)
Creating a Romance Universe You Can Live in Forever by Jess Mastorakos (20:51)
Business Classes
Alternate Streams of Income by Victorine Lieske (34:58)
Business Strategies for Turtles by Michelle Pennington (25:42)
No Website? No Problem! By Christine Sterling-Bortner (43:08)
Yes, You Really Can Build Your Own Website! by Sierra Wilson (33:03)
Easy Author Tech: Format your book in MS Word in 30 minutes or less by Christine Sterling-Bortner (82:22)
Specialty Classes
Book Cover Essentials by Victorine Lieske (48:34)
Breaking up With Your First Book by Michelle Pennington (17:47)
Focus and Productivity for the Distracted Author by Michelle Pennington (47:55)
Stop! Don't Use That Font! by Victorine Lieske (11:46)
Specialty Paperbacks are IN! by Stephanie Anderson (54:21)
Defining Success for Yourself by Cassie Beebe (44:31)
Plotting & Writing Your Next Romance Novel in Scrivener 3 by Danyelle Ferguson (73:07)
Illustrated Cover Design How Tos by Stephanie Anderson (73:41)
A Muggle's Guide to Novel Transfiguration by Danyelle Ferguson (85:02)
Discover the Power of Animation with Book Brush by Kathleen Sweeney (34:18)
Getting Words in When You Lack Time by Britney Mills (37:11)
Writing in Multiple Genres by Maggie Dallen (34:03)
Ten Steps To Publishing Success by Victorine Lieske (41:00)
Making Money as an Author on YouTube by Victorine E. Lieske (37:10)
Fall In Love with Writing Again by Michelle Pennington (11:36)
Teach online with
Profitable Facebook Ads for Romance Authors by Malorie Cooper
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